Kapitänleutnant Sascha Hartig M.Sc.

Sascha Hartig

Postanschrift Helmut-Schmidt-Universität
Fakultät für Maschinenbau
Laboratorium Fertigungstechnik
Holstenhofweg 85
22043 Hamburg

KL Hartig

Funktion assoziiert
Forschungsbereiche Additive Fertigungstechnologien
2021 Hartig, S., Hildebrandt, L., Fette, M. et al. Process parameter determination for small recycling plants for the production of filament for FFF printing using the Taguchi method.Prog Addit Manuf (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40964-021-00218-x

Tobias Meyer, Sascha Hartig, Eugen Musienko, et al. Reverse Engineering Ein Matrix-organisierter Ansatz zur Element-Funktions-Assoziation, In: ZWF (2021).

2020 Duda S, Hartig S, Hagner K et al. Potential risks of a widespread use of 3D printing for the manufacturing of face masks during the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 pandemic. Journal of 3D Printing in Medicine (2020).

Hartig S. The Manufacturing of 3D Printed models for the Neurotraumatological Education of Military Surgeons. Miltary Medicine (2020).

Hartig S, Duda S, Hildebrandt L. Urgent need hybrid production – what COVID-19 can teach us about dislocated production through 3d-printing and the maker scene. 3D Printing in Medicine 6(1) (2020).


Letzte Änderung: 5. September 2022