Innovative Airborne Urban Mobility (i-LUM)

Background and Goals

The overarching goal of the i-LUM joint research project is to develop innovative concepts and technologies, followed by an evaluation of their feasibility, for airborne mobility in urban regions such as the metropolitan area of Hamburg in future scenarios (2040/2050). It is the declared goal of the research partners to provide excellent scientific expertise in this system’s high level topic “Urban Mobility and Transport Research”. This is to be achieved by considering various aspects such as vehicles, on-board and ground-based control and information systems, operational infrastructure, and demand and business models. By taking advantage of empirical social research, this endeavour will also shine light on questions concerning the labour market (changes, qualifications), social acceptance, juridical aspects of the implementation, as well as the scalability of the developed concepts.

The research group for Electrical Power Systems will develop an energy management system for a novel concept of airborne transport in the metropolitan area of Hamburg. This will enable a grid-compatible or even grid-beneficial operation of the overall system while simultaneously being safe and economically viable.

In the first step, already existing concepts designed to tackle this issue will be analysed. Then, parameters of potential aerial vehicles will be determined that allow for an assessment of the restrictions that those vehicles put on the energy management. Next, in a cooperation between the fields of demand modelling and airspace organisation, a system simulation will be conducted that enables simulating various management systems, charge/fuelling concepts, and vertiport architectures. A crucial aspect is the integration of all of this into the existing infrastructure (electric grid, gas grid, logistics) for a supply of energy in the desired manner. Moreover, in order to ensure reliable operation the necessary parameters and variables are to be defined that via a communications protocol will have to be exchanged between the central management system and the aerial vehicles.

The end result is an optimised energy management system as well as a specifications catalogue for the vehicle-to-ground communication. In addition, suitable vertiport architectures for an efficient energy supply will be identified. Eventually, all of the results will feed the overall system.

Project Partners and Work Packages



Dietmannsberger, M.; Meyer M.; Schumann, M.; Schulz, D. (Hrsg.)
Anforderungen an das Stromnetz durch Elektromobilität, insbesondere Elektrobusse, in Hamburg,
Metastudie Elektromobilität, Hamburg Dezember 2016, Helmut-Schmidt-Universität / Universität der Bundeswehr, Professur für Elektrische Energiesysteme, ISBN 978-3-86818-095-4

Eskander, M.; Jahic, A.; Müller, T.; Zeun, N.; Leuning, F.; Burkhardt, J.; Klingenberg, H.; Schulz, D.
Beeinflussung der Übertragbarkeit der Ladeinfrastruktur von Busbetriebshöfen in Hamburg auf andere Städte,
In: Hamburger Beiträge für den technischen Klimaschutz,
Helmut-Schmidt-Universität / Universität der Bundeswehr, Professur für Elektrische Energiesysteme, Hamburg, Oktober 2019,
Bd. 1,  S. 40-44, ISSN (Druck) 2698-8798, ISBN (Druck) 978-3-86818-247-7, ISSN (Online) 2698-8801, ISBN (Online) 978-3-86818-248-4

Jahic, A.; Eskander, M.; Burkhardt, J.; Klingenberg, H.; Schulz, D.
Konzepte für das Lastmanagement auf großen Busbetriebshöfen,
In: Hamburger Beiträge für den technischen Klimaschutz,
Helmut-Schmidt-Universität / Universität der Bundeswehr, Professur für Elektrische Energiesysteme, Hamburg, Oktober 2019,
Bd. 1,  S. 45-48, ISSN (Druck) 2698-8798, ISBN (Druck) 978-3-86818-247-7, ISSN (Online) 2698-8801, ISBN (Online) 978-3-86818-248-4

Jahic, A.; Eskander, M.; Schulz, D.
Bus Depot Simulator: Steady-State Python and DigSILENT Co-simulation for Large-Scale Electric Bus Depots,
In: NEIS 2019, Conference on Sustainable Energy Supply and Energy Storage Systems, Hamburg, Germany, 19-20 September 2019, IEEE Conference,
VDE Verlag, Berlin 2019, ISBN 978-3-8007-5152-5 (Print-Ausgabe), ISBN 978-3-8007-5153-2 (eBook), ISSN 2510-6902

Jahic, A.; Eskander, M.; Schulz, D.
Preemptive vs. non-preemptive charging schedule for large-scale electric bus depots,
In: IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT-Europe), Bucharest, Romania, 2019. DOI: 10.1109/ISGTEurope.2019.8905633

Jahic, A.; Eskander, M.; Schulz, D.
Charging Schedule for Load Peak Minimization on Large-Scale Electric Bus Depots
Applied Sciences, 9(9), 1748, 2019, DOI: 10.3390/app9091748

Previous Work

Accompanying research for Charging Infrastructure on Bus Depots

Electrify Buildings for EVs (ELBE)


Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Detlef Schulz (sub-project lead)
Faculty for Electrical Engineering
Electrical Power Systems


Letzte Änderung: 27. May 2021