dtec.bw project CoupleIT! | Archive


European-wide competitive bidding for our REDIBEL-system is online

Those, who follow our project for any amount of time, will be familiar with the acronym ‘REDIBEL’. For our new followers a quick heads-up: REDIBEL = “REversibel DIgital gekoppeltes Brennstoffzellen und ELektrolyse” system, which is German and means “Reversible, digitally coupled fuel cell and electrolyser” unit. This unit embodies the core of our project as it acts as the coupling entity between our electrical and hydrogen island grids.

The REDIBEL is devised as a single integrated test stand that will perform energy conversion processes according to Power-to-Gas as well as Gas-to-Power concepts.

15/12/2022 –

4th doctoral colloquium with the chair for Electrical Power Systems

Our 4th doctoral colloquium „Mein Weg zur Promotion“ (engl. “my way to the PhD”) provides our own as well as external PhD students with the opportunity to present their research topics by virtue of oral presentations with subsequent discussions. The main priority lies with the current state of every participant’s respective research activities.


1st dtec.bw workshop

A double workshop covering the two topics of Energy and Digitalisation and Artificial Intelligence

This 1st DTEC-Workshop with the group for Electrical Power Systems took place on October 26th 2022 at HSU Hamburg as a hybrid event, i. e. in person and online. The workshop was conceived as double workshop, dealing with the topics of Energy and Digitalisation in the morning followed by the topic of Artificial Intelligence in the afternoon.

Further information pertaining to this workshop can be gathered following this link:
1st dtec.bw workshop


Letzte Änderung: 25. July 2024