WMA Dr. Christoph Schütt
Holstenhofweg 85, Geb. H1, R 2145
22043 Hamburg
Tel. (+49) 40 6541 3519
EMail: schuettc(at)hsu-hh.de
Peer-Reviewed Journals
Ring, P., Schütt, C.A. & Snower, D.J. (2023). Care and anger motives in
social dilemmas. _Theory and Decision_, 95(2):273–308.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s11238-022-09921-9 [1] (Mit folgendem Link
hinter der DOI:
Schütt, C.A., Pipke, D., Detlefsen, L. & Grimalda, G. (2023). Does
ethnic heterogeneity decrease workers’ effort in the presence of
income redistribution? An experimental analysis. _European Journal of
Political Economy_, 79:102440.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejpoleco.2023.102440 [2] (Mit folgendem Link
hinter der DOI:
Discussion Papers
Grimalda, G., Detlefsen, L., and Schütt, C. (2019). Improving
immigrants’ integration in host countries. G20-Insights. (mit
folgendem Link hinter G20-Insights:
Friedl, A., Gelhaar, F., Ring, P., Schütt, C. (2018). Global Nudging
als Politikkonzept zur Bewältigung globaler Herausforderungen.
Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung, 87(1), 93-103.
https://doi.org/10.3790/vjh.87.1.93 (Mit folgendem Link hinter der DOI:
Work in Progress
The effect of perceived similarity and social proximity on the formation
of prosocial preferences (status: R&R at Journal of Economic Psychology)
Perceived similarity and risk taking for others, with Jan Krause
(status: Manuscript)
Preferences for redistribution and ethnic diversity: experimental
evidence from Germany, with Gianluca Grimalda, Lena Detlefsen & Fabian
Paetzel (status: Working Paper is coming soon)
Social network and patterns of cooperation in small-scale societies,
with Gianluca Grimalda, Susann Adloff, Peter Andre, Matthias Sutter,
Lorenz Götte, Eleanor Power, Andreas Pondorfer & Federico Cammelli
Demand and supply for redistribution in ethical diverse societies:
experimental evidence from Germany, with Gianluca Grimalda, Lena
Detlefsen & David Pipke (status: Data collected)
Social responsibility in markets – does identity matter?, with Miguel
Abellán-Ossenbach, Mario Mechtel & Fabian Paetzel (status: data
Public Economics und Verhaltensökonomik FT 2024
Information zum Ablauf, Themenauswahl und Anmeldung
Letzte Änderung: 9. August 2024