New Publication – WSI-Mitteilungen 1/2022 special issue “Struggles for participation and influence: The representation of weak interests in the welfare state”


11. March 2022

Reforms of the welfare state, their prerequisites and effects are a frequently discussed topic. Relatively little attention is paid to the question of which and whose interests are heard at all in the socio-political reform discourse and how they can assert themselves

This focus issue represents this underexposed aspect in focus. It discusses the organizational and conflict ability of so-called “weak interests” in the political field of social policy.

The consideration of weak interests in social policy is important for two reasons: On the one hand, to meet the welfare state requirement of the Grundgesetz (constitution) and the goals of social justice and social security.

On the other hand, for reasons of democracy: A permanent disregard for weak interests in relation to material participation and basic recognition can lead to justified frustration and a turning away from the political system or the democratic spectrum of parties.

The articles collected in this issue approach the topic from different perspectives.

Overarching are the questions of how weak interests can be strengthened, how much self-representation by those affected is desirable and promising, and when third-party representation by lawyers makes sense.

More information can be found here.