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Gemeinsames Lernangebot der Sprachenzentren der Universitäten der Bundeswehr Hamburg und München


Liebe HSU-Angehörige,

wir freuen uns Ihnen hier Übungsmaterial zu präsentieren, das Ihnen beim Üben und Lernen helfen soll. Das Material enthält Übungstests des Bundessprachenamtes und Übungen, die von den Lehrkräften der Sprachenzentren der beiden Bundeswehr-Universitäten erstellt wurden. Wir wünschen Ihnen viel Spaß beim Ausprobieren und würden uns über Rückmeldungen freuen. Diese Seiten befinden sich noch im Aufbau und wir hoffen, dass nach und nach neue Übungen hinzukommen werden.

Dear learners,

On the following pages you will find exercises which were designed either by the Federal Office of Languages (Bundessprachenamt) in preparation for STANAG 6001 exams or by the teachers of the language centres of the two German military universities in Munich and Hamburg. We hope you will find these exercises helpful and would welcome any feedback you may have for us. With time, more exercises will follow.

But it’s worth pointing out that the linguistic character of that mirror will be influenced by the location of the large companies investing in Al. lf most of these are American, for example, we will see more American English (spelling, punctuation, vocabulary, grammar) in contexts where traditionally other dialects would be usual. And it remains to be seen whether other languages than English will develop an Al presence comparable to what we have seen so far in the internet, which has become an increasingly multilingual medium over the past 30 years. When the internet began, the only language with a significant presence was English. That language is still the dominant voice […] but around 500 languages have a noticeable presence now, and perhaps another thousand are dipping their linguistic toes into the internet water, including (especially in social media) several minority and endangered languages. But with over 6000 languages in the world, and an appreciable but unknown number of dialects, there is a long way to go before the electronic world replicates the linguistic diversity of the planet.

Professor David Crystal in JLLT Volume 14 (2023) Issue 2 (Journal of Linguistics and Language Teaching)


Letzte Änderung: 9. Juli 2024