mm Wave Coupler

Laser-controlled Millimeter-Wave directional couplers in image guide technology

At millimeter-wave (MMW) frequencies, dielectric waveguides are more efficient than metallic rectangular waveguides, microstrip lines, and planar metallic waveguides. Image guides with an optically induced plasma layer have received considerable attention for their wide applications in controlling passive millimeter-wave devices including beam-splitter-type couplers, parallel guide couplers and aperture couplers. At W-band these three different types of laser-controlled coupling structures are investigated with respect to their principle limitations. The results achieved can be transferred to the lower THz range to a large extend via scaling the dimensions of the structures as long as the collision frequencies of the photoinduced carriers are higher than the signal angular frequency.

Photonic Coupler
Figure 1: Laser-controlled image guide couplers in silicon-quartz technology:
(a) beam-splitter-type coupler in top view
(b) parallel guide coupler
(c) aperture coupler, both in cross-sectional view


Persons involved in this project:

PD Dr.-Ing. Th. Fickenscher


Letzte Änderung: 9. October 2017