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Helmut-Schmidt-Universität Professur für Arbeit, Personal und Organisation
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Prof. Dr. Sven Hauff is head of the Chair of Labor, Human Resources and Organization at the Helmut Schmidt University / University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg. He studied Sociology, Psychology and Economic Sciences at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena and did his doctorate at the University of Hamburg where he also qualified as a professor. His main research interests are in the interrelationships between the design of human resource management and its effects on employees and organizational performance. Most recently, he has worked on HRM systems, job quality, job satisfaction, as well as the influence of national institutions and culture. His scientific works have been published in leading international journals such as Human Resource Management, Human Resource Management Journal, International Journal of Human Resource Management, and Journal of World Business. He is a member of the editorial advisory boards of Human Resource Management Journal, International Journal of Human Resource Management, and German Journal of Human Resource Management.
ResearchGate Profile (Access to selected publications) – Google Scholar Profile
Sarstedt, M., Richter, N. F., Hauff, S., & Ringle, C., & (2024). Combined importance-performance map analysis (cIPMA) in partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM): A SmartPLS 4 tutorial. Journal of Marketing Analytics, Early view
Hernaus, T., Dragičević, N., & Hauff, S. (2024). The Necessity in Employee Creativity and Innovation: Nothing Happens Without Supportive Leadership. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, Early view
Gubernator, P., Hauff, S., & Günther, N. (2024): The effectiveness of well-being-oriented human resource management in the context of telework. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Early view
Hauff, S., Richter, N. F., Ringle, C., & Sarstedt, M. (2024). Importance and Performance in PLS-SEM and NCA: Introducing the combined Importance Performance Map Analysis (cIPMA). Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 78, 103723
Guerci, M., Hauff, S., Panichella, N., & Radaelli, G. (2023). Sustainable HRM and Social Class, Personnel Review, 52(5), 1597-1613
Richter, N.F., Hauff, S., Kolev, A. & Schubring, S. (2023). Dataset on an extended technology acceptance model: A combined application of PLS-SEM and NCA. Data in Brief, Early view
Liehr, J. & Hauff, S. (2023). Must have or nice to have? Necessary leadership competencies to enable employees’ innovative behaviour. International Journal of Innovation Management, Early view
Dul, J., Hauff, S. & Bouncken, R. (2023). Necessary Condition Analysis (NCA): Review of Research Topics and Guidelines for Good Practice. Review of Managerial Science, Early view
Ehrnrooth, M., Koveshnikov, A., Wechtler, H. & Hauff, S. (2023): High Performance Work System and Transformational Leadership: Revisiting and questioning their implications for health-related well-being. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1072065
Krick, A./Felfe, J./Hauff, S./Renner, K.-H. (2022): How to Facilitate Health-oriented Leadership from a Leaders’ Perspective: Antecedents at the Organizational, Workplace, and Individual Level. Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie. 66 (4): 213–225
Richter, N. F./Hauff, S./ Ringle, C. M./ Gudergan, S. (2022): The Use of Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling and Complementary Methods in International Management Research. Management International Review. Early view
Hauff, S./Felfe, J./Klug, K. (2022): High-performance Work Practices, Employee Well-being, and Supportive Leadership: Spillover mechanisms and boundary conditions between HRM and leadership behavior. International Journal of Human Resource Management. 33(10): 2109-2137
Günther, N./Hauff, S./Dorsel, P. (2022): The joint role of HRM and leadership for teleworker well-being – An analysis during the COVID-19 pandemic. German Journal of Human Resource Management. 36(3): 353-379
Hauff, S./ Krick, A./Klebe, L./Felfe, J. (2022): High-performance work practices and employee wellbeing – Does health-oriented leadership make a difference? Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 833028
Richter, N. F./Hauff. S. (2022): Necessary Conditions in International Business Research – Advancing the Field with a New Perspective on Causality and Data Analysis. Journal of World Business, 57(5): 101310
Guerci, M./Hauff, S./Gilardi, S. (2022): High performance work practices and their associations with health, happiness and relational well-being: Are there any tradeoffs? International Journal of Human Resource Management, 33(2): 329-359
Hauff, S./Rastetter, D. (2021): Good Work: Eroding and New Standards in a Changing World. management revue – Socio-Economic Studies, 32(3): 147 – 151
Hauff, S. (2021): Analytical Strategies in HRM Systems Research – A Comparative Analysis and Some Recommendations. International Journal of Human Resource Management. 32(9): 1923-1952
Hauff, S./Guerci, M./Dul, J./van Rhee, H. (2021): Exploring Necessary Conditions in HRM Research: Fundamental Issues and Methodological Implications. Human Resource Management Journal. 31(1):18-36
Richter, N. F./Schubring, S./Hauff, S./Ringle, C. M./Sarstedt, M. (2020): When Predictors of Outcomes are Necessary: Guidelines for the Combined Use of Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) and Necessary Condition Analysis (NCA). Industrial Management & Data Systems. Early view
Hauff, S./Guerci, M./Gilardi, S. (2020): Well-being-oriented HRM configurations: Diffusion, contingencies, and outcomes. Evidence-based HRM. A Global Forum for Empirical Scholarship. 8(3): 253-271
Brinck, K./Hauff, S./Kirchner, S. (2020): Is There a New Meaning of Work? The How and Why of a Change in Altruistic Work Values in Germany between 1989 and 2016. management revue – Socio-Economic Studies. 31(2): 167-187
Kirchner, S./Hauff, S. (2019): How National Employment Systems Relate to Employee Involvement: A Decomposition Analysis of Germany, the UK, and Sweden. Socio-Economic Review, 17(3): 627–650
Brinck, K./Otten, S./Hauff, S. (2019): High-performance Work Practices and Job Satisfaction: Gender’s Moderating Role. European Management Review, 16(2): 333-345
Hauff, S./Alewell, D./Hansen, N. K. (2018): Further Exploring the Links between High Performance Work Practices and Firm Performance. A Multiple-mediation Model in the German Context. German Journal of Human Resource Management, 32(1): 5-26
Hauff, S./Alewell, D./Hansen, N. K. (2017): HRM systems strength and HRM target achievement – Towards a broader understanding of HRM processes. Human Resource Management, 56(5): 715–729
Richter, N. F./Hauff, S./Schlaegel, C./Gudergan, S./Ringle, C. M./Gunkel, M. (2016): Using cultural archetypes in cross-cultural management studies. Journal of International Management, 22(1): 63-83
Alewell, D./Hauff, S. (2015): Strategic Fit. Human Resource Management im Kontext unterschiedlicher Unternehmensstrategien. Zeitschrift Führung + Organisation, 84(6): 424-429
Hauff, S./Kirchner, S. (2015): Identifying work value patterns: Cross-national comparison and historical dynamics. International Journal of Manpower, 36(2): 151-168
Hauff, S./Richter, N. F./Tressin, T. (2015): Situational job characteristics and job satisfaction: The moderating role of culture. International Business Review, 24(4): 710-723
Drabe, D./Hauff, S./Richter, N. F. (2015): Job satisfaction in aging workforces: An analysis of the U.S., Japan, and Germany. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 26(6): 783–805 (Nominated for the Best Paper Award at the 1st HR Division International Conference, June 15-16, 2014, Bejing, China)
Hauff, S./Richter, N. F. (2015): Power distance and its moderating role in the relationship between situational job characteristics and job satisfaction: An empirical analysis using different cultural measures. Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal, 22(1): 68-89
Hauff, S./Kirchner, S. (2014): Job quality between institutional differences and convergence. Industrielle Beziehungen – The German Journal of Industrial Relations, 21(4): 352-370
Hauff, S./Alewell, D./Hansen, N. K. (2014): HRM systems between control and commitment: Occurrence, characteristics, and effects on HRM outcomes and firm performance. Human Resource Management Journal, 24(4): 424-441
Hauff, S./Kirchner, S. (2014): Changes in workplace situation and work values. Relations and dynamics within different employment regimes. Management Revue, 25. Jg., H. 1, S. 27-49
Hauff, S./Kircher, S. (2013): Wandel der Arbeitsqualität – Arbeits- und Beschäftigungsbedingungen zwischen 1989 und 2005 in einer evaluativ-relationalen Perspektive. Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 42. Jg., H. 4, S. 337-355
Alewell, D./Hauff, S. (2013): Employers’ motives behind outplacement activities: A theoretical and empirical investigation. Personnel Review, Vol. 42, No. 4, pp. 466-487
Alewell, D./Hauff, S. (2011): Make-or-buy decisions regarding temporary agency work – An empirical analysis of the decision process and expected effects. International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol. 22, No. 15, pp. 3127-3145
Alewell, D./Hauff, S./Weiland, K./Thommes, K. (2011): Human Resource Management and the Use of Personnel Services – An Empirical Analysis of German Firms. International Journal of Manpower, Vol. 32, No. 4, pp. 394-409
Hauff, S. (2011): Amtliche Statistiken als Grundlage der unternehmerischen Arbeitsmarktforschung – Eine Bestandsaufnahme. Zeitschrift für Management, 6. Jg., H. 2, S. 201-222
Alewell, D./Hauff, S./Thommes, K./Weiland, K. (2009): Triggers of HR outsourcing decisions – an empirical analysis of German firms. International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol. 20, No. 7, pp. 1599-1617
Alewell, D./Bähring, K./Canis, A./Hauff, S./Thommes, K. (2008): Wer nutzt HR-Outsourcing? Zentrale Strukturvariablen und ihr Einfluss auf die Nachfrage nach Personaldienstleistungen. Zeitschrift für Personalforschung, 22. Jg., H. 4, S. 346-369
Alewell, D./Hauff, S. (2008): Outsourcing von Personalfunktionen und die Konsequenzen für die betriebliche Mitbestimmung. WSI Mitteilungen, 61(9), 492-499
Hauff, S. (2008): Zwischen Flexibilität und Sicherheit – zur aktuellen Entwicklung von Werten in der Arbeitswelt. Soziale Welt, 59(1), 53-74
Bähring, K./Hauff, S./Sossdorf, M./Thommes, K. (2008): Methodologische Grundlagen und Besonderheiten der qualitativen Befragung von Experten in Unternehmen: Ein Leitfaden. Die Unternehmung, 62(1), 89-111
Alewell, D./Bähring, K./Canis, A./Hauff, S./Thommes, K. (2007): Outsourcing HR functions. Development of an explanatory approach to firms’ (non-existent) demand for personnel services. management revue – Socio-Economic Studies, 18(3), 271-292
Hauff, S. (2007): Flexibilisierung von Beschäftigung und die Erosion psychologischer Verträge aus Sicht der ArbeitnehmerInnen. Arbeit – Zeitschrift für Arbeitsforschung, Arbeitsgestaltung und Arbeitspolitik, 16(1), 36 – 53
Liehr, J. & Hauff, S. (2022). Wie Führungskräfte innovatives Verhalten ermöglichen können. people&work, H. 8/22, S. 73-74
Gubernator, P./Hauff, S./Felfe, J./Krick, A./Renner, K.-H. (2022): Wie Organisationen das Wohlbefinden ihrer Beschäftigten im Homeoffice fördern können.
Krick, A./Felfe, J./Neidlinger, S.M./Klebe, L./Tautz, D./Schübbe, K./Frontzkowski, Y./Gubernator, P./Hauff, S./Renner, K.-H. (2022): Auswirkungen von Homeoffice: Ergebnisse einer bundesweiten Studie mit Führungskräften und Mitarbeitenden.
Hauff, S./Richter, N. F. (2015): Age Diversity Management – Ältere Arbeitnehmer erfolgreich motivieren. Personalführung, H. 5, S. 28-33
Alewell, D./Hauff, S. (2014): Teilzeit, Befristung, Freelancer & Co. – Eine systemische Perspektive. PERSONALquarterly, No. 4, S. 9-15
Alewell, D./Hauff, S. (2010): Betriebliches Trennungsmanagement im Schatten des Arbeitsrechts – zwischen arbeitsrechtlichen Transaktionskosten und Zukunftssicherung. Betriebs-Berater, H. 51, S. 3149-3154
Hauff, S. (2010): Psychologische Verträge und die Konsequenzen ihres Bruchs. Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium (WiSt), 39. Jg., H. 9, S. 463-465
Hauff, S./Alewell, D. (2010): Trennung managen. Personal. Zeitschrift für Human Resource Management, H. 7-8, S. 34-37
Richter, N.F./Strandskov, J./Hauff, S./Taras, V. (2022): International business strategy and cross-cultural management – An applied approach. Edward Elgar Publishing
Hair, J. F./Hult, G. T. M./Ringle, C. M./Sarstedt, M./Richter, N. F./Hauff, S. (2017): Partial Least Squares-Strukturgleichungsmodellierung (PLS-SEM). Eine anwendungsorientierte Einführung. München
Hauff, S. (2010): Früherkennung im Human Resource Management. Sozio-kulturelle Entwicklungen und die Antizipierbarkeit von Personalrisiken, München/Mering
Alewell, D./Bähring, K./Canis, A./Hauff, S./Thommes, K. (2007): Outsourcing von Personalfunktionen. Motive und Erfahrungen im Spiegel von Experteninterviews, München/Mering
Felfe, J., Krick, A., Hauff, S., Renner, K.-H., Klebe, L., Schübbe, K., Tautz, D., Frontzkowski, Y., Gubernator, P., & Neidlinger, S. M. (2022). Working from home: Opportunities and risks for working conditions, leadership and health. In D. Schulz, A. Fay, M. Schulz, & W. Matiaske (Eds.),äge der Helmut-Schmidt-Universität / Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg – Forschungsaktivitäten im Zentrum für Digitalisierungs- und Technologieforschung der Bundeswehr, Helmut-Schmidt-Universität / Universität der Bundeswehr, pp. 335-341,
Felfe, J., Hauff, S., Krick, A., & Renner, K.-H. (2022). Digitale Führung und Gesundheit: Eine Forschungsperspektive. In D. Schulz, A. Fay, M. Schulz, & W. Matiaske (Eds.),äge der Helmut-Schmidt-Universität / Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg – Forschungsaktivitäten im Zentrum für Digitalisierungs- und Technologieforschung der Bundeswehr Helmut-Schmidt-Universität / Universität der Bundeswehr, pp. 342-345,
Hauff, S./Kirchner, S. (2022): Understanding Differences and Trends in Job Quality: Perspectives from Cross-National Research. In: Warhurst, C./Mathieu, C./Dwyer, R. (Eds.): The Oxford Handbook of Job Quality. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 87-106
Dul, J./Hauff, S./Tóth, Z. (2021): Necessary condition analysis in marketing research. In: Nunkoo, R./ Teeroovengadum, V./Ringle, C. (Eds.): Handbook of Research Methods for Marketing Management. Cheltenham, pp. 51-72
Hauff, S. (2019): Human Resource Management zwischen Uniformität und Differenzierung. In: Alewell, D./Matiaske, W. (Hrsg.): Standards Guter Arbeit. Baden-Baden: Nomos
Hansen, N. K./Hauff, S. (2019): Talentmanagement – Trends, Herausforderungen und strategische Optionen. In: Busold, M. (Hrsg.): War for Talents – Erfolgsfaktoren im Kampf um die Besten. 2. Aufl., Düsseldorf, S. 35-46
Hansen, N. K./Hauff, S. (2013): Talentmanagement: Theoretische Grundlagen. In: Busold, M. (Hrsg.): War for Talents – Erfolgsfaktoren im Kampf um die Besten. Düsseldorf, S. 65-81
Hauff, S. (2013): Erosion psychologischer Verträge – Erosion von Vertrauen? In: Klinke, S./Rohn, H. (Hrsg.): RessourcenKultur. Vertrauenskulturen und Innovationen für Ressourcenefficienz im Spannungsfeld normativer Orientierung und betrieblicher Praxis.Baden-Baden, S. 73-87
Alewell, D./Hauff, S./Pull, K. (2010): Trennungsmanagement. Stand der Forschung und aktuelle empirische Befunde. In: Stock-Homburg, R./Wolf, B. (Hrsg.): Handbuch Strategisches Personalmanagement. Wiesbaden, S. 585-602
Alewell, D./Hauff, S. (2008): Outsourcing von Trainings- und Weiterbildungsdienstleistungen. In: Schwuchow, K./Gutmann, J. (Hrsg): Jahrbuch Personalentwicklung 2009: Ausbildung, Weiterbildung, Management Development. Köln, S. 113-121
Alewell, D./Hauff, S. (2008): Personaldienstleistungen im Spannungsfeld von Unternehmenskultur und Mitbestimmung – konzeptionelle Überlegungen und erste empirische Befunde. In: Benthin, R./Brinkmann, U. (Hrsg.): Unternehmenskultur und Mitbestimmung – Betriebliche Integration zwischen Konsens und Konflikt. Frankfurt/M., S. 177-211
Hauff, S./Richter, N.F./Tressin, T. (2014): Culture’s Role in the Job Characteristics and Job Satisfaction Relationship: An Empirical Analysis of GLOBE’s Culture Scores. Management@TUHH Research Paper Series, Vol. 13, Hamburg
Hauff, S./Kirchner, S. (2014): Cross-national differences and trends in job quality: A literature review and research agenda. Diskussionspapier des Schwerpunktes Unternehmensführung am Fachbereich BWL der Universität Hamburg, Nr. 13, Januar, Hamburg (PDF)
Hauff, S./Kirchner, S. (2012): Changes in person-organization fit over time: Match and mismatch of workplace situation and work values in six countries from 1989 to 2005. Diskussionspapier des Schwerpunktes Unternehmensführung am Fachbereich BWL der Universität Hamburg, Nr. 11, November, Hamburg
Hauff, S./Alewell, D. (2010): Trennungsmanagement. Erste deskriptive Befunde einer aktuellen Studie. Diskussionspapier des Schwerpunkts Unternehmensführung am Fachbereich BWL der Universität Hamburg, Nr. 05, April, Hamburg
Hauff, S. (2009): Konzeptionen der Früherkennung. Diskussionspapier des Schwerpunkts Unternehmensführung am Fachbereich BWL der Universität Hamburg, Nr. 02, November, Hamburg
Alewell, D./Bähring, K./Hauff, S./Thommes, K. (2007):Triggers of HR Outsourcing Decisions. Discussionpaper No. 16, SFB 580, Jena/Halle
Alewell, D./Bähring, K./Canis, A./Hauff, S./Thommes, K. (2007): Outsourcing von Personalfunktionen – Welche Unternehmen nutzen Personaldienstleistungen? Eine Charakterisierung von Nutzern und Nichtnutzern. Discussionpaper No. 15, SFB 580, Jena/Halle
Alewell, D./Bähring, K./Canis, A./Hauff, S./Thommes, K. (2007): Outsourcing HR Functions. Discussionpaper No. 14, SFB 580, Jena/Halle
Alewell, D./Bähring, K./Canis, A./Hauff, S./Thommes, K. (2005): Die betriebliche Nachfrage nach Personaldienstleistungen – Bausteine eines Theorieentwurfs, Discussionpaper No. 8, SFB 580, Jena/Halle
Kirchner, S./Hauff, S. (2014): Forms of employee involvement: Prevalence, effects and dynamics. Activity report of visit to InGRID research infrastructures. https://inclusive
Hauff, S. (2007): Industrielle Beziehungen im Spannungsfeld von Ver- und Entbetrieblichungstendenzen. Tagungsbericht zur Jahrestagung der deutschen Sektion der Industrial Relations Association (GIRA) am 27. und 28. September 2007 in Jena. In: Industrielle Beziehungen, 14. Jg, H. 4, S. 379-387
Hauff, S./Köhler, C./Struck, O. (2005): Arbeitsmärkte für Hochqualifizierte und Instrumente der Personalpolitik. Eine Studie im Auftrag der JENOPTIK AG. Forschungsbericht, Institut für Soziologie der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Gerlach, K./Hauff, S./Janßen, S./Köhler, C./Krause, A./Pfeifer, C./Sohr, T./Stephan, A./Stephan, G./Struck, O. (2005): Endbericht zum Projekt „Arbeit und Gerechtigkeit: Die Akzeptanz von Lohn- und Beschäftigungsanpassungen in Deutschland“. Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Institut für Soziologie und Universität Hannover, Institut für Quantitative Wirtschaftsforschung.
Hauff, S./Guerci, M./ Gilardi, S. (2019): Well-being-oriented HRM configurations: Diffusion, contingencies, and outcomes. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, August 9-13, Boston, Massachusetts
Richter, N. F., Hauff. S. (2019): Necessary Conditions in International Business Research. European Academy of Management Conference, June 26-28, Lisbon
Richter, N. F., Schubring, S., Hauff, S., Ringle, C. M., Sarstedt, M. (2019): Testing Necessary Conditions in PLS Structural Equation Models – An Illustration in the Context of Technology Acceptance. European Academy of Management Conference, June 26-28, Lisbon
Hauff, S./ Guerci, M./Gilardi, S. (2018): Well-being oriented HRM configurations – Empirical diffusion, antecedences and effects on health, happiness, and relational well-being, XI International Workshop on HRM, October 25-26, Seville
Hauff, S. (2018): Analytical Strategies in HRM Systems Research – A Comparative Analysis and Some Recommendations, European Academy of Management Conference, June 19-22, Reykjavik
Hauff, S./Guerci, M./ Dul, J./van Rhee, H. (2018): Are Ability, Motivation and Opportunity enhancing HR practices necessary for employee performance? European Academy of Management Conference, June 19-22, Reykjavik
Hauff, S./Guerci, M./ Dul, J./van Rhee, H. (2017): Is high performance without high performance work practices possible? – A necessary condition analysis. International Conference of the Dutch HRM Network, November 9-10, Nijmegen
Dul, J./Hauff, S. (2017): Necessary Condition Analysis (NCA) in sustainable HRM research. International Conference of the Dutch HRM Network, November 9-10, Nijmegen
Hauff, S./Guerci, M./ Dul, J./van Rhee, H. (2017): Is high performance without high performance work practices possible? – A necessary condition analysis. European Academy of Management Conference, June 21-24, Glasgow
Guerci, M./Hauff, S./Gilardi, S. (2016): Strategic HR Practices and Tradeoff Effects on Health, Happiness, and Relational Well-being. Herbstworkshop der Wissenschaftlichen Kommission Personalwesen, September 22-23, Paderborn
Hauff, S. (2016): Measuring HRM Systems: An Extended Illustration and Discussion of Different Approaches. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, August 5-9, Anaheim, California
Guerci, M./Hauff, S./Gilardi, S. (2016): Strategic HR Practices and Tradeoff Effects on Health, Happiness, and Relational Well-being. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, August 5-9, Anaheim, California
Kirchner, S./Hauff, S. (2016): How National Employment Systems Shape Employee Involvement – A Decomposition Analysis of Germany, the UK, and Sweden. Annual Meeting conference of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics, 24-26 June, Berkeley (presented by co-author)
Kirchner, S./Hauff, S. (2015): How national employment systems shape employee involvement. 13. Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises Empirische Personal- und Organisationsforschung. November 19-20, Lüneburg
Guerci, M./Hauff, S. (2015): Strategic HRM and employee well-being – A cross-cultural analysis in Europe. International Conference of the Dutch HRM Network, November 12-13, Utrecht
Hauff, S. (2015): HRM systems configurations and performance – An analysis of different measurement approaches. Herbstworkshop der Wissenschaftlichen Kommission Personalwesen, September 24-25, Graz
Guerci, M./Hauff, S. (2015): Strategic HRM and employee well-being – A cross cultural analysis. Herbstworkshop der Wissenschaftlichen Kommission Personalwesen, September 24-25, Graz
Hauff, S./Guerci, M. (2015): Effects of strategic single HR practices and HR systems on employee well-being. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, August 7-11, Vancouver (presented by co-author)
Hauff, S./Guerci, M. (2015): Strategic HRM and sustainable workforce management: Effects of single HR practices and HR systems on employee well-being. European Academy of Management Conference, June 17-20, Warsaw
Kirchner, S./Hauff, S. (2014): Arbeitsqualität im internationalen Vergleich. Eine Analyse zentraler Trends in der EU15 seit 1995. Workshop „Beschäftigungsqualität im beruflichen, familiären und betrieblichen Kontext“, November 20-21, Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (IAB), Nürnberg
Hansen, N. K./Alewell, D./Hauff, S. (2014): High-Performance Work Systems and Firm Performance: A Multiple Mediation-Model. Academy of Management Meeting, August 1-5, 2014, Philadelphia
Drabe, D./Hauff, S./Richter, N.F. (2014): Job satisfaction in aging workforces: An analysis of the U.S., Japan, and Germany. 1st HR Division International Conference, June 15-16, 2014, Bejing (Nominated for the Best Paper Award) (presented by co-author)
Hansen, N. K./Alewell, D./Hauff, S. (2014): Opening the Black Box between HPWS and Firm Performance: The Role of Employee-Related Mediating Mechanisms. Strategic Management Society Special Conference, June 13-15, 2014, Copenhagen (presented by co-authors)
Richter, N./Hauff, S./Schlaegel, C./Gudergan, S./Ringle, C. M./Gunkel, M. (2014): Advocating the Use of Cultural Archetypes in Cross-Cultural Studies. Jahrestagung der wissenschaftlichen Kommission Internationales Management im Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft, 11. und 12. April 2014, Wien (presented by co-authors)
Hauff, S./Kirchner, S. (2014): Cross-national differences and trends in job quality. 04.02.2014, Research Institute for Work and Society, HIVA-KU Leuven, Belgium
Drabe, D./Hauff, S./Richter, N.F. (2013): Job satisfaction in aging workforces: An analysis of the U.S., Japan, and Germany. 11. Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises Empirische Personal- und Organisationsforschung, 07. und 08. November 2013, München
Hauff, S./Kirchner, S. (2013): Matching work place situation and work values. A cross national analysis of differences and convergence trends. GIRA-Jahrestagung 2013: „International and Comparative Industrial Relations“, 10. – 11.10.2013, Erlangen (presented by co-author)
Hauff, S./Kirchner, S. (2013): Types of employee involvement and their effects on employee well-being. Herbstworkshop der Wissenschaftlichen Kommission Personalwesen im Verband der Hochschullehrer Betriebswirtschaft, 19. – 20.09.13, Hamburg
Hauff, S./Alewell, D./Hansen, N. K. (2013): HRM Systems Between Control and Commitment – Empirical Evidence From Germany. Herbstworkshop der Wissenschaftlichen Kommission Personalwesen im Verband der Hochschullehrer Betriebswirtschaft, 19. – 20.09.13, Hamburg
Hansen, N. K./Alewell, D./Hauff, S. (2013): HPWS and Firm Performance – The Mediating Role of HR Goal Attainment. Herbstworkshop der Wissenschaftlichen Kommission Personalwesen im Verband der Hochschullehrer Betriebswirtschaft, 19. – 20.09.13, Hamburg
Alewell, D./Hansen, N. K./Hauff, S. (2013): Strength of HRM Systems and HR Target Achievement – Empirical Evidence From Germany. Herbstworkshop der Wissenschaftlichen Kommission Personalwesen im Verband der Hochschullehrer Betriebswirtschaft, 19. – 20.09.13, Hamburg
Hauff, S./Kirchner, S. (2013): Is there an international convergence of mismatch at work? Cross-national trends of mismatch between workplace situation and work values. 25th SASE Annual Conference “States in Crisis”, 27.-29.06.2013, Milan
Hauff, S./Alewell, D./Hansen, N. K. (2013): HRM Systems Between Control and Commitment – Empirical Evidence From Germany. 25th SASE Annual Conference “States in Crisis”, 27.-29.06.2013, Milan
Hauff, S./Kirchner, S. (2013): Changes in mismatch between workplace situation and work values – An internationally comparative study from 1989 to 2005. 31st International Labour Process Conference, 18. – 20.03.2013, New Brunswick, USA
Hauff, S./Richter, N./Tressin, T. (2013): Situational job characteristics and job satisfaction: The moderating role of culture. Global Conference on International Human Resource Management, 9. – 10.05.2013, Pennsylvania, USA (presented by co-authors)
Alewell, D./Hansen, N. K./Hauff, S. (2012): Beschäftigungssysteme in deutschen Unternehmen – eine empirische Annäherung. Herbstworkshop der Wissenschaftlichen Kommission Personalwesen im Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft, 27.-28.09.2012, Hamburg
Hauff, S./Kirchner, S. (2012): Utopias and Realities of Good Work. 107th ASA Annual Meeting “Real Utopias”; Section on Organizations, Occupation and Work, 17.-20.08.2012, Denver
Hauff, S./Kirchner, S. (2012): Designed for global convergence? Matching organizational practices and employee expectations in six countries from 1989 to 2005. 28th EGOS Colloquium “Design!?”, 05.-07.07.2012, Helsinki
Hauff, S./Kirchner, S. (2011): Work Value Types: International Comparison and Historical Developments. 23rd SASE Annual Conference “Transformations of Contemporary Capitalism: Actors, Institutions, Processes”, 23.-25.06.2011, Madrid
Alewell, D./Hauff, S. (2011): The Offer of Termination Benefits by German Firms: A Theoretical and Empirical Investigation of Employers’ Motives Behind Outplacement Activities. 23rd SASE Annual Conference “Transformations of Contemporary Capitalism: Actors, Institutions, Processes”, 23.-25.06.2011, Madrid
Alewell, D./Hauff, S. (2010): Make-or-buy decisions regarding temporary agency work. IFSAM Conference “Justice and Sustainability in the Global Economy”, 08.-10.07.2010, Paris
Hauff, S. (2009): Arbeitsorientierte Werte und die Konsequenzen nicht erfüllter Erwartungen. 7. Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises für Empirische Personal- und Organisationsforschung (AKempor), 20.-21. November 2009, Bochum
Alewell, D./Bähring, K./Hauff, S. (2008): Expected effects of using the services of professional HR organizations: An empirical analysis of HR-outsourcing-decisions in German firms. 24th EGOS Colloquium “Upsetting Organizations”, 10.-12.07.2008, Amsterdam
Alewell, D./Hauff, S. (2007): Kollektive Arbeitsbeziehungen und HR-Outsourcing. GIRA-Jahrestagung „Industrielle Beziehungen im Spannungsfeld von Ver- und Entbetrieblichungstendenzen“, 27.-28.09.2007, Jena
Letzte Änderung: 18. July 2024