
Current trimester

All materials for the proposed courses can be found at Ilias.

Formal requirements for student/scientific papers

Please use the following linked forms for academic papers or to apply for the supervision of your thesis. The documents are from the Examinations Office site, so you may need to be logged in via the HSU intranet to gain access.

Scientific formalities

For all academic papers, please follow the guidelines for the preparation of academic papers as elaborated by the Chair of Business Administration, in particular Leadership and Labour Relations and provided by the Chair of Business Administration, in particular Organisation Theory. Here you will also find the declaration of commitment for your academic paper on page 5.

A standardised cover sheet is available for download here.

Literature on scientific work in general

  • Bänsch 2009: Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten.
  • Kornmeier 2007: Wissenschaftstheorie und wissenschaftliches Arbeiten: Eine Einführung für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler.
  • Theisen 2005: Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten.
  • Stickel-Wolf / Wolf 2006: Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten.

Bibliographical references on individual methods of scientific work

  • Berg 2006: Fallstudien als Methode betriebswirtschaftlicher Forschung, in: WiSt, S. 362-367.
  • Borchard / Göthlich 2007: Erkenntnisgewinnung durch Fallstudien, in: Albers et al 2007 (Hrsg.): Methodik der empirischen Forschung, S. 33-48.
  • Kirchhoff et al 2010: Der Fragebogen: Datenbasis, Konstruktion und Auswertung.
    Porst 2009: Fragebogen – Ein Arbeitsbuch.

Occasionally, the university library offers training courses on this topic, which are highly recommended!

Registration for theses

If you are interested in a Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis at our professorship, please use our application forms. These documents originate from the page of the examination office. To access them, you may therefore need to be logged in via the HSU intranet.

Admission to the Bachelor’s/Master’s Thesis
The application to the examination board requires a signature from Prof. Dr. Schaefer. You can send the completed application by internal post or submit it during office hours. The applications are then forwarded to the Examination Office.

The submission of the thesis is done at the examination office according to the currently valid study examination regulations.


Letzte Änderung: 9. February 2023