
Use of the plagiarism detection software Urkund/Ouriginal

All written examination papers (term papers, Bachelor’s theses, etc.) are generally checked for possible plagiarism by the examiners using plagiarism detection software. This involves uploading a digital copy of the examination paper to a central archive without naming the examinee and comparing it with papers already in the archive as well as texts stored in open and fee-based literature databases. Access to this software is granted to examiners by the Study Officer. If required, examiners can send an email to [email protected]. Students are generally not given access to this software. Papers with security-relevant information or with a blocking notice may not be uploaded to the plagiarism detection software.

Recommendation to examiners for the submission and examination of written work:

  1. Inform your students of your Urkund address and ask them to email an anonymised version of their text (and without the usual declaration of independence and cover sheet from the Examinations Office) to your Urkund address for examination before submitting it to you digitally.
  2. Students will then receive a confirmation of receipt from the Urkund system. Students should forward this confirmation of receipt with their non-anonymised text (including declaration of independence and cover sheet from the Examinations Office) attached to your normal email address.
  3. You should then have already received the examination report by system email from Urkund. Based on the sender address of the submission (= email address of the student) listed in the examination report, you can assign the examination report to a student.

Letzte Änderung: 15. April 2024