Abgeschlossene Forschungsprojekte

Reifegradmodell des staatlichen Finanzmanagements (Projektleitung)

Inhalte: Entwicklung eines Analyseinstruments für Verantwortliche für das Finanzmanagement auf der staatlichen Ebene (Modell und Bewertungstool), mit dem sie den Entwicklungsstand von Methoden und Instrumenten des Finanzmanagements analysieren können. Die Anwender erhalten nach individueller Bearbeitung eine spezifische Standortbestimmung und vor allem Aufschluss über weitere zweckmäßige Entwicklungspfade.

Ausgangspunk ist das für Kommunen entwickelte Reifegradmodell (KGSt-Bericht 3/2017).

Public Decision Making (Projektleitung)

Die Forschungskooperation „Public Decision Making“ beschäftigt sich mit Entschei­dungs­prozessen in Gruppen von öffentlichen Akteuren. Entscheidungen im öffentlichen Sektor zeichnen sich i.d.R dadurch aus, dass die Konsequenzen der Entscheidungen (zwangsweise) für eine große Anzahl von Menschen (Gesellschaft, Mitglieder einer Gebietskörper­schaft, Benutzer einer Anstalt) gelten und von ihnen zu tragen sind. Daher ist es im öffentlichen Sektor die Regel, dass Entschei­dungen in Gruppen (Parlament, Senat, Verwaltungsrat, Gremien) durch Repräsentanten getroffen und dadurch demokratisch legitimiert werden. Dies gilt besonders für Entscheidungen im öffentlichen Finanzwesen: öffentliche Ressourcen (Steuergelder) sind Zwangsabgaben, die einem Gemeinwesen oder einer öffentlichen Körperschaft „zur gesamten Hand“ zur Verfügung stehen und über deren Verwendung in parlamentarische Gremien („Haushaltsrecht ist Königsrecht des Parlaments“) entschieden wird. Bei Entscheidungen in Gruppen entstehen sog. Interdependenzkosten (vgl. Buchanan/Tullock): Dies sind zum einen Kosten für die Entscheidungsfindung und zum anderen externe Kosten des Überstimmtseins, weil angesichts der Endlichkeit der Zeit und/oder der pluralistischen Interessen keine Einstim­mig­keit möglich ist. Die übergeordnete Aufgabenstellung dieses Forschungsschwerpunkts ist es, diese Interdependenzkosten für konkrete Entscheidungen im öffentlichen Finanzwesen (am Beispiel der Bundesagentur für Arbeit, Entscheidung über die Verteilung des flexibilisierten Budgets der Agenturen und Jobcenter auf die Verteilung verschiedener Maßnahmen der Beratung, Vermittlung und Integration) möglichst gering zu halten.

Mit einem konkreten Basisprojekt soll die Grundlage zur Konkretisierung dieser Forschungskooperation gelegt werden. Bereits im Laufe des ersten Projekts sollen typische Entscheidungssituationen und -konstellationen im politisch-administrativen Bereich identifiziert und systematisiert werden, durch die die Konkretisierung des Forschungsprogramms zur experimentellen Ökonomie im Untersuchungsbereich „Public Decision Making“ erfolgt.

Ziel: Erkenntnisgewinne über das Verhalten von Akteuren im Rahmen von Aushandlungsprozessen (Anwendungsfall: Budgetverhandlungen).

Major public enterprises: country analysis and policy trends

A Collaboration of The EUsers Jean Monnet network & CIRIEC International Scientific Commission “Public Services/Public Enterprises”.

Period: 2014-2017.

The objective was the collection of papers on country analysis of the role and performance of major public enterprises (MPEs) from 21 countries: Algeria, Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Croatia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Lithuania, Russia, Switzerland, Turkey and UK (see CIRIEC).

First, there has been a call for papers in order to collect „a set of new, high quality papers each offering country analysis of the role and performance of major public enterprise ([M]PE), and the policy trends about the current relationships between government and [M]PE“ (see call for papers). The rationale for the call for papers was: „In the last decade, after subsequent waves of privatizations, new research by the OECD, the World Bank, and independent studies, including previous projects launched by CIRIEC, observed that PE are resilient and even increasing their role, either at local level, or at national level“ (see call for papers). The selected papers have been presented at the XIV Milan European Economy Workshop (MEEW) ‘Major Public Enterprises in a global perspective’, held at the University of Milan on 25th and 26th of June 2015. The aim of the call of papers itself as well as the workshop was to „contribute to a systematic analysis, country by country, on some key research questions which have also been discussed via in-depth discussion during the workshop:

  • What is the extent of the survival or expansion of the public enterprise (PE) in a global perspective, particularly as far as large enterprises are concerned?
  • Who are the major players at national and international level?
  • How do they perform? How is the control of government implemented?
  • What is the mission assigned by governments to the major players?
  • To what extent are PE of national significance transforming themselves in multinationals? (source: see link of workshop leaflet of MEEW or link of call for papers)“

At the end of the workshop, the EUsers network and the CIRIEC Scientific Commission have taken decisions about publication outlets in 2015. As a result, Prof. Dr. Schaefer and Stephanie Warm published a paper on MPEs in Germany in 2015 (Schaefer, C./Warm, S. (2015): Major Public Enterprises in Germany, CIRIEC Working Paper Nr. 2015/10, ISSN 2070-8289 (online: http://www.ciriec.ulg.ac.be/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/WP15-10.pdf)).

The future of the public enterprise: mission, performance and governance

Period: 2012-2014.

The research project has been drawn up „on the initiative of Prof. Massimo Florio (University of Milan, Italy), the Steering Committee also including President Gabriel Obermann and Profs. Luc Bernier (ENAP, Quebec, Canada) and Philippe Bance (University of Rouen, France) […]“ (see CIRIEC):

  1. „[…] Review of the recent scientific literature on the subject, and also for conducting empirical studies.
  2. Realization of empirical studies (based on an analysis grid serving as a model, experts were contacted via call for contributions to conduct as many case studies as possible (recent history of a public enterprise in its sectoral, institutional and national setting; analysis of success stories and sticking points, its economic and social performance; etc.).
  3. […] Study on the public policies conducted for public enterprises, the evolution of missions defined by the public 10 authorities as regards their enterprises, the forms of organisation and governance, and the socio-economic effects and spin-off of public enterprises’ activities“ (see CIRIEC).

The research presentation document can be found here.

„Eager to guarantee a certain degree of visibility of research works and to benefit from the comparison of notes between the different international contributors, three discussion seminars were held in 2013 […]. Each of these were organised around the three main thrusts of the research programme:

  • Berlin Seminar (14 and 15 February 2013) organised by CIRIEC-Germany and dedicated to theoretical contributions and examination of the existing literature on public enterprise. This international seminar drew some forty members around the theme “Public Enterprise in the 21st century: Recent advances on public missions and performance – Theory contributions and literature review”. There were productive exchanges between researchers from many countries (for the most part European, but also from Algeria, Canada and Uruguay).
  • Milan Seminar (13-14 June 2013) jointly organised by the University of Milan and CIRIEC International, dedicated to 16 public enterprise case histories. Attracting a public of some fifty or so over 2 days, this seminar, entitled “Case histories of public enterprises: learning from success and failure” covered the sectors of public passenger transport, water, energy, finance and other services in the 12 countries (8 in the European Union, plus Algeria, plus Canada, plus Costa Rica plus Uruguay).
  • Brussels Seminar (9-10 September 2013) jointly organised by CIRIECBelgium and the Université Libre de Bruxelles, dedicated to more open, multidimensional themes in the study of public enterprise: “Public Enterprises in the 21st Century: Various issues from regulation, pricing, CSR to marketing and other reflection and case studies”. Some 35 members from 13 countries (8 from the European Union, plus Algeria, Canada, Japan, Peru, Switzerland) experienced 2 days of intense debate around the 15 papers there presented and discussed“ (see CIRIEC).

Finally, several publications have been published, one of them being: Schaefer, C. / Warm, S. (2014): Berliner Wasserbetriebe (BWB) – Water and Sewage Company in Berlin, CIRIEC Working Paper Nr. 2014/01, ISSN 2070-8289.


Letzte Änderung: 9. Februar 2023