
Professorship for Catholic Theology in due consideration of Social Sciences and Social Ethics – Prof. Dr. Thomas Hoppe

Teaching (subject focus)

The current determination of the relationship between Social Studies and Social Ethics is oddly ambivalent.

On one hand, a multitude of political and societal issues intensify the search for ethical orientations.

On the other hand, (social-)ethical contributions to public discourse about fundamental issues are occasionally critiqued for being expressions of a „special set of ethics“ by certain groups or that they`re not taking the autonomy of the affected cultural fields (economy, society, politics, law) into account.

In this area of tension, the study of Catholic Social Ethics intends to enable the students to proficiently partake in ethical discourse that can refute the beforementioned objections.

Besides the fundamental questions of Traditional Ethics, issues of Political Ethics, specifically the prevention of violence, the search for peaceful structures within the international system, and the protection and implementation of human rights are additional focal points.


Letzte Änderung: 14. June 2021