Neunter Unterricht. Ueber die Leidenschaften. In: Dodsley, Robert: Der Lehrmeister oder ein allgemeines System der Erziehung : worinn die ersten Grundsätze einer feinen Gelehrsamkeit so vorgetragen werden, daß man dadurch das Genie der Jugend am glücklichsten prüfen und ihren Unterricht befördern kann ; In zwölf Abtheilungen mit nützlichen Kupfern erläutert ; In zween Bänden [1]. 1765. Band/Heft 1. Tafel XI
Prof. Dr. Esther Berner
The Professorship of Education with a Focus on the History of Ideas and Historical Discourse Analysis is dedicated to the study of processes, ideas and discourses of education from the Enlightenment to the present. The interdisciplinary understanding of science with links to history, literature, science, philosophy and sociology is reflected in a variety of theoretical and methodological approaches, especially in the history of culture and knowledge, but also in the history of art and political science. In addition, there is a broad spectrum of methods, including hermeneutics and discourse analysis, analyses of objects, artefacts and images, as well as methods of empirical social research. Current focal points of work include:
- The history of education and the body
- The military and pedagogy in historical perspective
- The theory and history of aesthetic education
- Comparative science and discourse studies; governance research
- Education and labour in conventional sociological perspective