Welcome to the Chair of Hydromechanics


Motivated by research topics that arise from such applications as geothermal energy, groundwater contamination and remediation, subsurface carbon dioxide storage, and radioactive waste storage, we are interested in describing, understanding, and modelling multiphase flow and transport, geochemical, and microbial processes in porous and fractured media.

New publications:


01 October 2024: At this year’s “Computational Methods in Water Resources” conference in Tucson, Arizona.

16 July 2024: Congratulations to Heena Patel on the successful defence of her PhD at the University of Hamburg.

Promotion Patel

08 June 2024: At the stand of the breakwater project on “Tag der Bundeswehr” 2024.


26 March 2024: At the 2024 Research Day of the HSU/UniBw H.

23 February 2024: Hands-on demonstration during an ISA exercise on “Groundwater – a resource worth protecting”.