Preparation of Task Processing/Cognitive Control in Response to Conflicting S-R Translation

Preparation of Task Processing/Cognitive Control in Response to Conflicting S-R Translation
(funded by the German Research Foundation [Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft]], Priority Program “Executive Functions” [SPP 1107], 2001 – 2007)
(Organization: Bernhard Hommel, Leiden; Rainer H. Kluwe, Hamburg)An important aspect of cognitive control refers to processes that adjust the cognitive system when facing changing task demands, associated with the risk of responding to external stimulation in an inappropriate way regarding the current behavioral goal. This is most prominently the case in task switching situations and in conditions in which a task-irrelevant feature of a stimulus is associated with a response (or stimulus-to-response mapping) different from the one necessary for a current task, thereby causing a conflict between action tendencies. It has been demonstrate in a variety of experimental paradigms that encountering such conflict leads to adjustments in processing that reduce the impact of previously conflicting S-R translation on following task executions. In the project we investigate characteristics of the control processes involved in task preparation and conflict-induced adaptations.

Grant holders: Rainer H. Kluwe, Mike Wendt
Participants: Stephanie Badde, Vadim Juchtenko, Aquiles Luna-Rodriguez, Alexandra Peters, Sascha Purmann, Ina Vietze


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Letzte Änderung: 2. February 2018